Quit Smoking and Quit your Fear

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Change Your Life with One Big Step

Quitting smoking is not going to end your happy days.  At the beginning, there is much fear that you will be enabling a new step that will not succeed, and you are sure it will be a trial for you.  It is not a process you want to begin, without full commitment and dedication.  It is not a step you want to take until you are convinced it is better than smoking.  Quitting before you are ready, and convinced it is the right thing to do, will be your best step to failure.

So, how do you know when you are ready?  You already are looking for ways to find your quit, and want to make it happen.  You do not want to continue your future life ahead, with a cigarette regret filled mind, and a constant control mindset from your smoking.  You are really having some good motivation, but you doubt you can do it.

Any time there is doubt, you are going to let that doubt grow.  And, it can become an excuse, a reason, and a bump back to smoking.  You do not want to quit until you have removed all doubts, and you are so really sure you can make this happen.

Your quit does involve nicotine addiction removal and process, but also, direct concerns about your mindset.  If you allow any glimmer of doubt to exist in your mind, you will find that crack of light could grow into a larger flood light of reasons to go back to a smoke.  Until you are complete in your mindset change, have worked through the excuses and the reasons, have torn down all the propaganda from your smoking brain, do not quit smoking.  Do, however, work on your quit.  Find the time to really analyze, tear apart your reasons for smoking, and objectively process why your smoking is really not all that you thought it was. 

Until you tear apart your smoking mindset, you need to continue to smoke, receive your nicotine, like you always have, and then one day, with constant attention to why it is really not providing you any value, you will be ready.  You will know when the day comes.  It will be then OK, to flip that cigarette into the can forever.   Until then, smoke like a fiend, and let that nasty stuff be available to you as much as you want it.  Do not hold back.

And, when you finally realize, on your own, that you are losing nothing, nothing by not smoking, you will be successful at your new life ahead.
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